
White Chocolate Pref. ia a forum, of discussion where black women learn to find, attract and snare the (WHITE) Mr Right of their dreams. We acknowledge and endorse the right of black women to find, love, and ultimately marry ANY man she so chooses. *Pour le femme de noir qui preferer`le chocolat de blanc* For black women who prefer white chocolate!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Using the power of thought to get your dream man

Everything begins in thought!

Look around you wherever you are. Everything you see is the result of thought. Every piece of furniture, every fixture, every wall. Thoughts create after their own kind. Everything you are today is a result of a combination of your thoughts regardless of whether they were positive or negative.
Even scientists cannot pinpoint the exact properties that culminate in thought. The best approximation they are able to give at this time is to liken them to electricity, with higher voltage equaling a greater charge. This definition is sufficient because like electricity, you don't need to know the exact properties in order to benefit from it's usage. All you really need to know is that thought reproduces after it's kind, and the greater the intensity of said thought the faster, and more powerful the results. Make no mistake about it, there ARE people who have such intense thoughts (which have evolved into beliefs)- that they change the world. And if you don't believe that look at Nelson Mandela, Oprah, Martin Luther, and the man in the white house. The wonderful thing about us humans is that we are the ONLY creatures the creator allowed to decide our own destinies. We do this through THOUGHT which becomes -actions-which become-habits-which become a destiny!

What you focus on grows in your life:

Ever woke up late and everything from that point on seem to go wrong? Your coffee was too strong, you had a run in your stocking, the kids were screaming, and someone cut you off as you rushed to work. What you experienced were thoughts of stress and anger being manifested. We do it all the time we just don't usually notice. It's so important to guard our thoughts because they make our lives good or bad. They are constantly manifesting, and producing after their own kind. They are constantly providing a mirror with which we can see what we have been thinking. Ever notice how when you get a new car, you suddenly see it everywhere? Where did they all come from? The truth is they were always there you just did not notice because you were not focused on it. Focus on your blessings, focus on how good God has been to you. Give thanks for everything you've been given and once you thank the universe (or God-whomever you choose) then focus your mind on the type of man you want. Write it down-but leave things such as height without too much distinction. exp. 5.8+ rather than 6.4. the most important things you want to add are the personality traits. exp. patient, kind, compassionate, funny, articulate etc. Take stock of your own personality and really think about the kind of man that would compliment you. Once you have it written down. recite it before you go to bed at night. Did you know that when you close your eyes at night is when the subconscious wakes up as the conscious mind goes to sleep. When you recite what you are really looking for and want in a man, your subconscious will be listening, and will find ways to bring him to you. That's why after you've done this a number of weeks, it's extremely important for you to pay attention to your hunches...

What you seek is seeking you.

It's important to remember that anytime you are looking for something-it's also looking for you. I know, I know it sounds kind of weird. I remember reading this years ago in a metaphysical book and they claimed if you wanted to experiment with this concept. Simply imagine an article of something that has been missing awhile but you are sure is in the house. The book said to actually 'call' this particular thing that you are looking for and ask it to tell you where it was. I remember reading that and cracking up. It just sounded so far fetched. But on the other hand I strongly believe that what actually happens in life is FAR, FAR more incredible than anything people can make up, so I tried it.  The first couple of times nothing happened, but then things got weird because I was trying to call my keys one day and I was late for a meeting. I was a little frustrated, and I snapped. silently.  "I don't have all day just lead me to where you are! " I was in the process of chiding myself for mentally talking to keys when I had a clear picture of them in a bag of trash I'd taken out of the car. "This is ridiculous " I thought as I went to check. Sure enough they were in the bag!  Since then I've found that it works for me about 75-80% of the time. When I'm upset I can't seem to connect, but usually when I calm down I'll get a feeling or the picture will pop into my head, and I WILL find what I was looking for. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling you to try it for yourself. And this also works with people. Picture the man you want in your life. See him there feel him there, and believe he will be there and watch and see if he does not walk into your life...

Help the Universe out a little....

Now it's important that you actually get out of the house when you're trying to meet a good man. So many women sit at home before AND after work and then complain that they never meet interesting men! That's like going to work and saying "pay me and then I'll put some work in" It does not happen like that. You cannot meet Mr right from your sofa! You MUST get out! And more than that, you must get out into a better crowd. Don't expect to meet marriage minded, good husbands in bars, strip clubs, detox centers and the like. Now I'm not saying that good people don't ever go to these places. What I'm saying is that most good people do not frequent these places, and that the chances of finding Mr right here and slim. Go to upper income places like tennis matches, golf games (many good wm love golf). Skying, various water sports, take a mechanics course-they are ALWAYS filled with men. Frequent art galleries etc. It all depends on the type of man YOU are looking for. Go to the places he is likely to be. Make sure you look good, this will increase your confidence, and don't be afraid to strike up a conversation. Most men are very relieved not to have to always do the initiating.
Anyway, these are some starter tips and we'll go into greater detail later....
Thank you all for tuning in -see you later.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

How to get a fresh new start this YEAR!!

 Hello all....

I'm going to be posting prior entries from Interracial love and spice on here so that I can try to get the old blog taken down. I've been directed to several sites where my work has simply been COPIED verbatim and ppl are simply claiming it as theirs!
So I'm going to contact blogger about having it taken down but needed to save the entries for future work, so I will repost them here....

I know many of you ladies just need someone to point out something you already know -so here goes...

Lets move on.... I think most of us want to make a fresh start in 2013. I know many of you are looking forward to that more than anything. In order to make 2013 a different kind of year you MUST set goals. Decide what you want in life, and make a plan to get it.

It sounds too simplistic, but it is the basis for all achievement. I wanted to give you ladies some advice that would really make a difference in your new year, so here goes. These are the things that most people want to change.

lose some weight.
Many of us want to drop a few pounds, and the easiest way to do it without alot of stress and strain, is to simply start to walk everyday.
Even if it's too cold to walk outside and you don't have a treadmill, then simply walk to your favorite shows, back and forth in front of the tv.
If you want to drop weight super-fast, then walk to your shows for I hour per day, and add lots of fruit/vegetables to your daily meals.
Don't worry about diets, just add lots of fruits and veggies to your meals. (especially fruit-because the only fruit that does not bring on weight loss
is banana. They are still very good for you but they don't cause weight loss like apples, oranges berries (all) pineapples, watermelon, -well pretty much all the rest do.
Citrus fruit is especially weight -reducing. The reason is that your body has to work so hard to break down the fruit for consumption, you end up with negative calories, and lose weight....

Learn something new!

Many people want to finish a degree or pursue some self-study. This is an
excellent idea because we should always keep learning.
And speaking of learning. Did you know that the more you learn the easier it is to learn more? The brain is like a muscle, the more you use it the more connections and neurons it creates. This facilitates learning, and in essence, you become smarter.
So even if you are finished with college and don't feel that you need any further schooling, always undertake self-study or pursue some type of learning.
One of the greatest area's of study for black women is to learn to speak a new language. Nothing seems to elevate one's sex appeal, and image like being able to converse in a new language.....

Change your habits-change your life
Some of us are stuck in a rut due to the bad habits we have engaged in time and again. The best way to get out of a rut, is to start with a list of 6-10 things you want to change. Take 2 of those things and put them up on your wall for the month. Every day work on those things you want to change. A new habit usually takes about 1 month (28 days). So in order to bring a new desired habit, all you have to do keep doing it! When it becomes entrenched, then move on to the next
habit you want to change, and repeat the process. The process for getting rid of bad habits, is to do the opposite. Simply refrain from doing those things until you no longer desire them. Think of habits like a path through a forest. When the path is seldom walked, it is difficult to discern, and unclear. But when it is heavily walked, it becomes more and more visible and grooved. Your
mind is the same way. Any habit that is done consistently will become more deeply entrenched and likely to produce after itself....

Get into a better crowd!

Drop whatever in your life that is NOT in your best interest. This includes people! Did you know that 95% of people make within 3-5000.00 of what their 3 best friends make? You see people rub off on each other. This is why wealthy people donot like to hang out with broke people. They are aware that the energy WILL rub off, and they are aware of how detrimental it can be to their finances. Whatever you are trying to be in life, get around those types of people. When a friend of mine was complaining about her daughter skipping school and getting into trouble, one of the teacher's recommended that she get her away from the people she hung with (delinquents) before it was too late. My friend immediately moved her child to a better school where she would not have access to her old crowd. She began to hang with a more studious crowd, and her grades, as well as her behavior, immediately improved. This dynamic will work
wonders in your life as well. If you are hanging with negative, mean spirited, spiteful, and angry people, you will find yourself acting the same way. And your life will be a reflection of this. Try putting yourself around a better crowd and hanging with winners, and you will immediately see how much better your life is turning out to be.....

Finally since for most of us, our finances are the main problem. I wanted to throw some really great info at you ladies. Since I'm a real estate consultant, obviously most of it will deal with real estate.....

How to get a FREE HOUSE This Year!

Did you know that there is a law on the books called the Adverse Possession law. Now it varies
by state, but the gist of it is that abandoned houses are basically free for the taking. Let me explain.
Say someone named Donna walks home from work everyday. And everyday, she passes a boarded up house. She looks at it longingly because it's twice the size of the house she rents, and she desperately needs more space. As she's telling her friend Jane, about it at lunch the next day, her friend suddenly snaps to attention. "Why don't you check title and ownership? " she asks. "Perhaps the people are deceased, or don't want it. Donna had no idea what you was
talking about but Jane took the lead. The next day, she takes Donna down to the tax assessor's office, and armed with the address to the property-they look up the owner's name. Come to find
out, the owner had been missing for 3 years. No one knew where he was. Taxes had accumulated on his home and the city had boarded it and placed a lien on it. Jane immediately ordered a title report, and carefully went over it with Donna. Upon learning that it only had one lien and back taxes, Donna immediately began to pay the taxes. She ran an ad in the paper for several weeks. It announced that if anyone was interested in the property, they should contact her. (This is called giving constructive notice) afterwards, she had the boards removed, and began to repair the property. Several weeks later, she moved her family in. And even though she had to pay a few thousand for back taxes, and repairs. She was able to stop paying rent, and after the first year, and save a fortune. A few years later, she hired an attorney and was able to
obtain a 'quiet title'.
That's adverse possession in a nutshell. You can order a book on eBay or the 'net' if you feel you
don't have enough detail, but that's really the basis of it. The main thing to remember is to 'live openly'. That's why it's called adverse possession, because you are living 'adverse' to the owner's interests. Don't choose houses with extreme defects, because you'll eat up your savings making
extensive repairs. Easy ways to spot prospects are:

Boarded houses
neglected houses
overgrown lawns
broken windows
sagging porches
lots of notices left on door
high weeds
No electric (check box on side)
'feels vacant'
When you spot these signs, check for vacancy, and then talk to the neighbors. I guarantee you
they will know how long the owner has been gone, and probably, they will know what happened to them.

How to live in a Mansion and make 100.000 in 2010!

I love this plan. I actually didn't think of it. A realtor friend of mine has been using it for awhile.
It goes like this.

Go, and get a real estate license. Now if you go everyday, this will only take 2 weeks. If you go at night or only on Saturday, it will take longer. But you must have it to put this plan in action.
Market your services in the upper crust areas. Advertise in high end magazines, that you are a licensed agent, and that you will house-sit and sell their property for them.
Get them to sign an agreement that you will live in the house, take care of it, and sell it at the end of one year. You move in and run your business from the home. Towards the end of the year, you aggressively market it. 6% on a 2 million dollar home is 120.000. As long as there is
no listing agent, you will be able to keep the entire commission. If there is another agent, you will need to complete 2 transactions per year to make your targeted income..

Monday, April 1, 2013

Listen to your dreams-for your own sake....

Did you know that every one of us has a conscious, subconscious and many scientists believe a super conscious mind? Some of us are so busy living that we never take the time to really create the kind of life we want.Sometimes we've ignored our instincts to the point that the only time our sub conscious can communicate with us is through dreams. Let me give you an example....

Several years ago a member of my family (a  1st cousin) was hanging with a new friend of his, and every time I saw this person I felt that he was up to no good. But I had no tangible proof it was just a specious and non-specific feeling so I did not say anything. My cousin is a police officer, but the money in his particular city was not great, and despite having 2 college degrees, I knew he was
struggling. This was compounded by the fact that his wife loved to spend money, but was not very fond of working.

Well he seemed to be planning something with this new friend of his because everytime we would see him at family functions, he seemed to be in intense conversation with this particular 'friend'.
I was pretty worried about him because given his dire financial situation, I felt like something was about to happen. I tried numerous time to gently talk to him, but he rebuffed me, and told me everything was fine.

One night I fell asleep and as I drifted off I found myself in his apartment. Now I want to say that usually my dreams are not so clear and are usually more symbolic and I have to put the pieces together almost like a puzzle. But this night the dream was very vivid. I was in his apartment and I could see him, the friend, his brother and someone I didn't know sitting a table. They were talking in hushed tones-and didn't seem to know I was there.  At one point I heard my cousin say  "Listen whatever you're thinking, forget it, I'm not trying to go to jail and lose everything I've worked for, for 10 yrs"  His friend, we'll call Jarod chided him. "Man you such a P*&%$!"
"Ain't nuthin gon happen-cept we git paid! They began to argue. His brother seemed to stay quiet, as if it had nothing to do with him but he quietly laid my cousin's ID and a black glove on the table and walked away.  As he exited the door, my cousin turned to Jarod and ordered him to forget whatever it was they were arguing about.  Jarod agreed, but the look on his face said otherwise. as I watched, the scene changed to an unfamiliar house. This time I was outside and Jarod came running out. His clothes were covered in a dark substance, and he was looking around furtively as shoplifters often do.
Then he threw something in the back bushes and ran away, as the scene became very smoky.  Then we were back at my cousin's apt. and the police were kicking in the door! They grabbed my cousin(who was wearing his police uniform)  he looked shocked and horrified.  He glanced toward his brother who immediately put his hands over his mouth and backed away. As they turned to jarod he seemed to be crying and pointing at my cousin. My cousin had his mouth open in disbelief. he kept telling the officers "Yall know me! "
 "You know I wouldn't do this!" It was all to no avail, not only did they drag him roughly out the door, but once outside he was stripped off his uniform and set it on fire! Then he was behind bars looking desperate and old. His face looked so sad I woke up in tears. I couldn't shake the bad feeling I had so finally I grabbed the phone and called him. It was 7 in the morning so he was not particularly happy to hear from me. but I guess the panic in my voice finally overcame his irritation because he agreed to meet me for breakfast and a long talk

As I told him my dream he grew more and more pale. He finally admitted that jarod wanted to set a deliberate fire for the insurance money, but that he had managed to talk him out of it. I told him if my dream was true (and my vivid dreams almost ALWAYS come true) that jarod planned to go through with it anyway, and worse both jarod and his brother was going to implicate him. I knew this because of the ID and the pointing. He was going to go to jail and his  life, and career would go up in smoke. I told him that him brother held his hands over his mouth in my dream. You'll find when ppl do this in dreams -it almost always means they refuse to come to your rescue (or speak on your behalf)
Later my cousin (all 6ft 5inches) of him confronted Jarod and demanded to know if they had a plot.
Under fear of my cousin's wrath, Jarod finally admitted everything. He and Oscar (brother) were planning to set the fire anyway,and if things went bad, then plan b was to blame everything on my cousin, and use him as the fall guy.....

Always listen when your subconscious is trying to speak sometimes it will only tell you once, and you can easily save your life or the lives of the ones you love.....

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Manstealers! and how to stop them...

Sean Penn was a seemingly happily married man until Jessica White (above) stole him away from his then-wife....

Jennifer Anderson used to brag about how happy her marriage was, and how Everyone wanted her super-handsome hubby (including thousands of men!) but that he always came home to her. Seems she underestimated her gorgeous-but very devious friend Angie.....

Manstealers! Trust me ladies, they are amongst you. Some will sit beside you at your own home table and smile in your face -all the while plotting... Rarely will they come off as hating you. Why? Because it's soooo much easier to get to your man, if you are on friendly terms with them. Be aware that the worst thing you can do after an event like this is to decide to hate them forever. Not only will these neg. emotions do your body egregious harm, but your mind will waste so much precious time and energy! Neither one of them will ever be worth the substantial amount of time and energy you are likely to waste on the pain they have caused you...

I remember reading a factual account of one woman's life. And her sister had actually stolen her first husband. Now I remember this book vividly because the woman wasted so much time crying over a man she wasn't even sure she still wanted! He was a slime ball anyway. And her sister, in my eyes was going to get exactly what she had coming. But the jist of it was that IT WAS HER SISTER- The reason it hurt her so bad was because almost no expects your family member to do something so rotten. But the truth is sometimes the people you love are in the perfect place to do you the most harm. Anyway, after a few yrs, she remarries but she refused to speak to her sister, who had a nerve to invite her to the wedding. She declined to go, but almost her whole family did attend and that caused more friction and pain.. It took her a few more yrs to realize that she was holding onto the pain instead of letting it go. Her husband actually made her see when he demanded to know why it still hurt her alter all these years when she had him. They had a big fight and finally decided to move clear across the US....

I think that was the best decision they could have made. If you've ever heard the expression -put some distance between your problems, then you probably know that sometimes a change of scenery is exactly what one may need. It may enable you to see the situation in a whole new light or at least get away from the embarrassing questions many simple-minded people, may ask.  And by the way, he was a horrible husband to her sister, and I was glad. But even though karma has a way of catching up with people who do sneaky things like this, let do all we can to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are some basic rules to drastically lesson the chances of this happening.....

A. Watch the company you keep. There have been several times in my life when a friend/acquaintance  left me alone with her man. I have a very innocent looking face, and it tends to get people to put their guards down. Believe me it's gotten me out of many tickets(some well deserved-but that's another story). Anyway, on more than one occasion some of their men have made a move. Never did I give them a chance to even think about it. I let them know immediately that I was not interested-and they should be ashamed. They always backed off, and apologized.
Ladies, that truth is that men are ALWAYS testing the waters, but a lady always conducts herself with class and decorum, and cuts off that nonsense before it begins. Think Diane Carrol, Jackie O, or Princess Grace, to name a few. Imagine how they would handle such impropriety and follow suit.
In other words in polite, but very peremptory language let him know that you would not consider having relations with him, and that you are insulted and enraged that he would try such a thing.
You MUST nip offensive behavior like this in the bud, or trust me, he WILL try again. Never be the type of woman who thinks it's cute to steal a man from someone else. Trust and believe that Karma WILL come around, and when it does it will be ten-fold.
So the point is to make sure you have the kind of friends who WON'T do such a thing. Because some certainly will...

Here are some clues to help you figure out if your friend really is friend or secretly foe.

1.When she comes to your house, does she immediately start to look around and/or ask where your hubby is?
Now if she came to see you, why in the world would she be asking about him? You need to think about that.
2. Do her eyes start dilating the moment he walks into the room? Does her smile become wider? Does her whole face seem to brighten?
When ppl are attracted to others, they tend to give off signals. And any woman who practices her perception can pick them up.
3.Watch the Eyes! They don't call them the windows to the soul for nothing. Turn off your tv sound sometimes and just watch the body language of the actors. Watch how the women who are trying to seduce a man without everyone knowing what she is doing, will position her body. Chances are she will get very close to him, usually ignoring proper boundaries( this is a common police procedure because it tends to disorient ppl-when you get right in their space) If he is getting her a drink, she may touch his hand as he gives her the glass, or rub his arm in a seemingly friendly way. As he looks up in surprise. She will often stare deep into his eyes, and smile slowly. Her msg is:
 'Your wife may not think your something special -but I do-maybe she's just too blind to see it...
Even the most obtuse man will get the msg loud and clear, but hopefully he will have enough honor to walk away....

Here are some other clues about MS's
They tend to come over alot. More than is comfortable, and somehow right around the time your hubby gets home-imagine that!

They tend to dress better, smell better, and look better when their intended is near. Now all women with sense do this, but the difference is she will be doing this for someone else's man instead of her own...

She will often initiate conversations with him so she can bring you up. The point of this is two fold. 1. she can find out what's going on in your relationships (ie where are the deficits that she can exploit) and 2. She wants to become the confidante. I think I have told you ladies before NEVER let another woman become YOUR MAN"S CONFIDANTE!  I don't care if she is butt ugly and has 1 tooth! Since the beginning of time men have fallen in love the women they can tell all their deepest, darkest secrets to! The reason for this is simple. Women often have many ppl they can talk to about everything. When something happens in our lives, We try to remember the details so we can tell all our friends and some family members. Men, on the other hand, often CANNOT tell their friends too much without their friends interjecting, making jokes or trying to shut them up. The need to share his thoughts and feelings is almost as strong as the need to breathe for many men because they never get to do it. This is why a woman who allows them to really talk, will draw them like a moth to a flame.  Why do you think every year So many secretaries are able to steal so many husbands! 

But just like ppl come in different shapes and sizes, so do manstealers They do not all look or act alike... Here are some of the different kinds....

A. The newer version Man stealer:
Her philosophy is:  I'm younger, hotter, sexier than your wife- and it's time you traded up. This kind of man stealer will only be successful on men who would have probably cheated on you anyway. She's pretty obvious so it's not like anyone is going to mistaken her intention. And she's usually so stupid, superficial, and one dimensional that most men quickly tire of her anyway. Usually only whorish, or desperately unhappily married men will take her up on the offer.....

B. The fake wife-friend Man stealer:
Her philosophy is: "Your wife thinks I'm her friend, and if she's too stupid to know I'm really after you, then she deserves this!" This is the kind I described above, and below.
 She will often try to get you to tell you what is wrong in your marriage, so she can exploit it. Her main tool is to take information and blow it up till it implodes the marriage she has her eye on. She then walks happily away with the husband....You will know this kind because she constantly fishes for info. She always seems to come when you are trying to be alone with hubby, and often will pretend that she does not know she's in the way. She will also accidentally  let little tidbits fall from her mouth, that cause problems in your marriage. I once worked with a pretty black girl who seemed very innocent and naive, but it was just an act. She was a friend of an older ww named Linda, and that is how she obtained the position.  One day she asked Linda if she would marry her husband Henry, again, if she could do it again. Linda thought about it, and answered no sadly. At this Jill sat her down gave her a tissue and asked her to explain. Linda unwisely poured out her heart and told her every problem they had been having as of late (even in the bedroom! Jill actually jumped up and gave her a sympathetic hug.  A few weeks later, Linda came in with her face red from crying. She said that Jill had been coming over to her house regularly, even after she asked her to stop. And that last night she had made it a point to come to her house under some ridiculous work excuse. And as she pranced and flirted with Linda's husband (right in front of her!) she had let it slip what Linda had saying about his brm performance. Not only did her husband hit the roof, but he then went on to tell Linda that if he had it to do again, He'd marry someone beautiful like Jill instead a has been like her! Soon after Linda's marriage fell apart, and who do you think happily stole him away? Be careful who you tell all your problems to, this is one of the most common ms's......

C. The He's only a pal,  Manstealer: This is the one Secretaries often use
Her philosophy is: He's too damn good for her-but he's just right for me!  She will often work with him, and initiate lots of time with him. She will be his 'ear' and make him feel like no one in the world understands him better. She will let him talk and talk and talk. Because she is as sneaky as she is smart. She knows that if you let a man talk enough, he will begin to tell his secrets, as he tells secrets he grows closer and closer to his confidante, and the rapport will inevitably grow.  Falling in love is just a few steps past great rapport. It's very easy for a skilled woman to get a man to talk his way into love with her. It's really not very hard at all.  And the more he is starved for good conversation/understanding the easier it will be. Many women leave their men wide open because they don't LISTEN to them. He tries to tell his wife about work and she's arguing with the kids. He tries to talk about something deep and personal, and brushes it off because her show is on.... Don't leave your husband open to the man-pal manstealers. If you don't have time then, simply make some time later, and really talk and listen to him....

D. The Damsel in distress-Manstealer:  Now pay attention ladies because wm are particularly vulnerable to this one! Why because many of them love to be the knight in shining armor. This manstealer knows how to play this role to the hilt. She will usually be young because it works much better on young women. She will have a big problem -that only he can seem to solve" She will show up or call and oh so sweetly ask if he can help her. Her car won't start or her kids need a man talk etc.  She will make it seem like a coincidence she just happened to be where your hubby is, and he happened to be the only man around who could help her.... This is the type who will drop things as he passes, or carry loads too heavy in front of him, it goes on and on, but you get the picture. She will know from experience exactly how to bring out his protective instincts and she will play on it... The way to get rid of her is to tell her point blank, you know what she's up to, and she better look elsewhere. I remember being a child in Hawaii. We lived on the island of Oahu. My parents had a party for thanksgiving one year and gave an open invitation to anyone who wanted to come. Well a young wg came, 18 and immediately took a shine to my very handsome father. She kept smiling up at him and telling him how smart and handsome he was. she laughed at all his jokes and told him she had not had such a wonderful meal in ages (my dad had cooked the entire meal-He was a fantastic cook) She mentioned that she was too poor to ever eat like this and how lucky my mom was to find such a man like him. I looked at daddy's face, and he was eating it up, and it was obvious he felt sorry for her when she mentioned that she was poor. My mom was getting more and more irritated but said nothing. Over the coming weeks, this girl showed up at the house and daddy insisted on taking her where she needed to go, or helping her out with whatever. He and my mom began to quarrel over her, especially when my mom found out he was giving her food and had lent her 200.00! One day the girl was at the house when we pulled up. Daddy was not home yet so my mom jumped from the car and confronted her. She told her that she had been married to this man almost as many yrs as she had been alive, and that if she wanted to stay alive, she had better stay away from her husband! That was the last we ever saw of her. But I'm convinced that if my mom had not put her foot down, that girl WOULD have walked away with my father.....

E. The I share your passion-Manstealer This kind of manstealer goes right to the heart of the man. She     knows exactly what makes his heart pound and she will make sure she is right there to share it with him. She may not be so attractive, but she has learned to make her personality work, because she is often quite plain in the face. Think of Bruce Springsteen. His first wife was an adorable looking girl who was quite content to go to his shows once in a while and bask in his name, fame, and money the rest of the time. Now there is nothing wrong with this, except that you have women like his second wife, who knows that he lives and breathe music. So how did she steal him? She rocked out with him. She SHARED HIS PASSION!  Look at the following 2 pics a picture speaks a thousand words. Now as you can see wife #1 was much cuter, but wife #2 knew exactly how to pull his strings

Sharing a man's passion is a very powerful force! I think Juliane wife #1 probably underestimated Patti wife #2 because she was not very attractive. It was a grave mistake.....Regardless of what it is. If he really believe in it with all his heart and soul, and you can take it or leave it, trust and believe, another woman is waiting to take him, and leave you, alone....

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Love plan 2012 Lets get started...

Hey everyone I realize it's going to take a while for this blog to be found so I will keep posts light for a while. I had some serious issues with blogger, and they did nothing to help, so I had to restart my blogs again. So as you find them plz give others the blog address. I cannot even go into the old blog(s) and give it.... By the way there will be some repeated material because I need to get it off the old blogs so they can be deleted....

For all you out there who are looking for love... It is time to take action. However, for those looking for love,-keep reading.....Today I am going to introduce you to the S. L. P. (Sara's love plan) Lets get started.... Lesson 1. First, forget what your mama told you about good girls only seeing one man at a time. You should ALWAYS date at least 3 men at a time. Why? because: 1. You will not become readily attached to one. 2. You will have a much, much better shot of picking the right one, not the sexiest, or most handsome one. (which is rarely Mr Right) 3. Your confidence will get a great boost, when you are being courted by 3 instead of one, and you will realize very quickly that you DO have options. (many sistas just do not realize THAT THEY DO HAVE OPTIONS!) 4. As your confidence grows, you will give off positive vibes that will further attract men to you. 5. Most important!- Men are extremely competitive! Men always want what they cannot have/ or is very hard to get. You should always BE hard to get and not playing it. 6. Supply and demand: You must think of it like this; You are a quality woman and you are in short supply! Whenever there is short supply-demand goes through the roof! They are all competing for YOU. Think of yourself as a scarce and precious commodity. A prize that only ONE person can win! 7. Later on after you snare the man of your dreams, he will forever look back and think of how hard he worked to get you, and this will make him work to keep you as well as keep him in love with you.... Ladies I think I have told you this before, but it bears repeating. 8. Men do not fall in love with women they do not have to work for!!! Getting ready to meet (HIM) Always prepare yourself for anything important in life, and that includes meeting Mr Right. So many women think things just happen in life and they are ill-prepared, and then wonder why they did not succeed. Did you get your job by just being there? Then why would you expect to find Mr Right by JUST being there? There are certain actions you must take or avoid so lets start to learn them now. Step 1. The first thing I want you ladies to do whether you are a size 6 or 16 is to get in shape. You will feel so much better about yourself if you just get in shape. Nothing takes the place of exercise: It will cause you to be more confident. It will make you feel sexier, and more alive. It will normalize your body functions. It will help you deal better with stress than any medication. It will strengthen bones and bodily systems. It will strengthen the heart and other bodily organs. It will clear your mind and enable you to think at a level you only dream of. It will spur your creativity and make you more creative in all of your endeavors It will energize and oxygenate your system and make your skin glow. It will release endorphins in your brain that make you feel excited and sensual. I could go on all day but I think you get the picture, the best thing anyone can. do for their body and their life is to exercise. Step 2. I want to introduce you ladies to a secret EVERY famous, rich, happy, or simply successful person knows. I began to do this in my life a few years ago and I cannot tell you what a difference it has made in my life in that short amount of time. The secret is: Positive Programming/self improvement I began to read self improvement books and listen to positive tapes. Some of my favorite authors are Tony Robbins, Dr Wayne Dyer, and Paul Makenna. You must think of your mind as garbage in garbage out. or Success in/Success out Always guard your mind. Never sleep with your TV playing in the background (unless you mute it) because you will be programmed all night long with garbage/negativity If you don't have a lot to time to read buy CDs from Ebay, but always program your own mind or it will be programmed toward negativity and failure by default. Ever asked a child why they took a cookie from the jar, and had them lie? Who taught them to lie at such a young age? The truth is nobody had to teach them. Negative traits are already in us, we have to be taught to make them positive. In other words, you will aim low by default or settle for something you dislike by default, etc. You must teach yourself to aim high, and to go for more. The books, and CDs have made a tremendous difference in my life, and this is very common for achievers. Mary Kay used to say she never wasted time in her car listening to the radio. She always listened to positive programming/self improvement tapes. Try it for 30 days and see how much better you feel, You will feel like a brand new person, and you will be sexy, confident and ready to meet your Mr Right/White. Step 3. Where to meet (HIM) Some of the best places to meet upwardly mobile/financially stable and marriage minded white men are the following: Bookstores (like Borders, Barnes-Noble Home depot or like stores Miniature golf places Big and Tall stores Expensive/Tailor stores Quiet-out of the way restaurants City Planning meetings Chamber of Commerce ( join for a few hundred/meet all the men you want) Real Estate Associations Another tip-find out where your local police/fire department regularly meet for lunch and be there! In our area there is a little restaurant about 20-25 minutes away, bursting at the seams with Big, handsome, White state troopers! Look around, your area will have one too! Anyway ladies, I think you all get the idea. Rock concerts are great places to meet rocket type wm. Sporting events, (esp. hockey, golf, and tennis) are EXCELLENT places to meet upper class wm. Ladies you are going to have to get out of your confort zone in order to get what you want. When you went for that new job, do you remember how uncomfortable you felt at the interview? Why didn't you leave? -Because you knew what you wanted was on the other side of that discomfort. It's the same thing in the beginning of a relationship. What you want is on the other side of that discomfort. So relax, take a deep breath, and lets get started.... This is Lesson 1 in S.L.P Sara's love Plan Thank you for coming, and god bless, check back in a few days for another lesson.