
White Chocolate Pref. ia a forum, of discussion where black women learn to find, attract and snare the (WHITE) Mr Right of their dreams. We acknowledge and endorse the right of black women to find, love, and ultimately marry ANY man she so chooses. *Pour le femme de noir qui preferer`le chocolat de blanc* For black women who prefer white chocolate!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Using the power of thought to get your dream man

Everything begins in thought!

Look around you wherever you are. Everything you see is the result of thought. Every piece of furniture, every fixture, every wall. Thoughts create after their own kind. Everything you are today is a result of a combination of your thoughts regardless of whether they were positive or negative.
Even scientists cannot pinpoint the exact properties that culminate in thought. The best approximation they are able to give at this time is to liken them to electricity, with higher voltage equaling a greater charge. This definition is sufficient because like electricity, you don't need to know the exact properties in order to benefit from it's usage. All you really need to know is that thought reproduces after it's kind, and the greater the intensity of said thought the faster, and more powerful the results. Make no mistake about it, there ARE people who have such intense thoughts (which have evolved into beliefs)- that they change the world. And if you don't believe that look at Nelson Mandela, Oprah, Martin Luther, and the man in the white house. The wonderful thing about us humans is that we are the ONLY creatures the creator allowed to decide our own destinies. We do this through THOUGHT which becomes -actions-which become-habits-which become a destiny!

What you focus on grows in your life:

Ever woke up late and everything from that point on seem to go wrong? Your coffee was too strong, you had a run in your stocking, the kids were screaming, and someone cut you off as you rushed to work. What you experienced were thoughts of stress and anger being manifested. We do it all the time we just don't usually notice. It's so important to guard our thoughts because they make our lives good or bad. They are constantly manifesting, and producing after their own kind. They are constantly providing a mirror with which we can see what we have been thinking. Ever notice how when you get a new car, you suddenly see it everywhere? Where did they all come from? The truth is they were always there you just did not notice because you were not focused on it. Focus on your blessings, focus on how good God has been to you. Give thanks for everything you've been given and once you thank the universe (or God-whomever you choose) then focus your mind on the type of man you want. Write it down-but leave things such as height without too much distinction. exp. 5.8+ rather than 6.4. the most important things you want to add are the personality traits. exp. patient, kind, compassionate, funny, articulate etc. Take stock of your own personality and really think about the kind of man that would compliment you. Once you have it written down. recite it before you go to bed at night. Did you know that when you close your eyes at night is when the subconscious wakes up as the conscious mind goes to sleep. When you recite what you are really looking for and want in a man, your subconscious will be listening, and will find ways to bring him to you. That's why after you've done this a number of weeks, it's extremely important for you to pay attention to your hunches...

What you seek is seeking you.

It's important to remember that anytime you are looking for something-it's also looking for you. I know, I know it sounds kind of weird. I remember reading this years ago in a metaphysical book and they claimed if you wanted to experiment with this concept. Simply imagine an article of something that has been missing awhile but you are sure is in the house. The book said to actually 'call' this particular thing that you are looking for and ask it to tell you where it was. I remember reading that and cracking up. It just sounded so far fetched. But on the other hand I strongly believe that what actually happens in life is FAR, FAR more incredible than anything people can make up, so I tried it.  The first couple of times nothing happened, but then things got weird because I was trying to call my keys one day and I was late for a meeting. I was a little frustrated, and I snapped. silently.  "I don't have all day just lead me to where you are! " I was in the process of chiding myself for mentally talking to keys when I had a clear picture of them in a bag of trash I'd taken out of the car. "This is ridiculous " I thought as I went to check. Sure enough they were in the bag!  Since then I've found that it works for me about 75-80% of the time. When I'm upset I can't seem to connect, but usually when I calm down I'll get a feeling or the picture will pop into my head, and I WILL find what I was looking for. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling you to try it for yourself. And this also works with people. Picture the man you want in your life. See him there feel him there, and believe he will be there and watch and see if he does not walk into your life...

Help the Universe out a little....

Now it's important that you actually get out of the house when you're trying to meet a good man. So many women sit at home before AND after work and then complain that they never meet interesting men! That's like going to work and saying "pay me and then I'll put some work in" It does not happen like that. You cannot meet Mr right from your sofa! You MUST get out! And more than that, you must get out into a better crowd. Don't expect to meet marriage minded, good husbands in bars, strip clubs, detox centers and the like. Now I'm not saying that good people don't ever go to these places. What I'm saying is that most good people do not frequent these places, and that the chances of finding Mr right here and slim. Go to upper income places like tennis matches, golf games (many good wm love golf). Skying, various water sports, take a mechanics course-they are ALWAYS filled with men. Frequent art galleries etc. It all depends on the type of man YOU are looking for. Go to the places he is likely to be. Make sure you look good, this will increase your confidence, and don't be afraid to strike up a conversation. Most men are very relieved not to have to always do the initiating.
Anyway, these are some starter tips and we'll go into greater detail later....
Thank you all for tuning in -see you later.