
White Chocolate Pref. ia a forum, of discussion where black women learn to find, attract and snare the (WHITE) Mr Right of their dreams. We acknowledge and endorse the right of black women to find, love, and ultimately marry ANY man she so chooses. *Pour le femme de noir qui preferer`le chocolat de blanc* For black women who prefer white chocolate!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Listen to your dreams-for your own sake....

Did you know that every one of us has a conscious, subconscious and many scientists believe a super conscious mind? Some of us are so busy living that we never take the time to really create the kind of life we want.Sometimes we've ignored our instincts to the point that the only time our sub conscious can communicate with us is through dreams. Let me give you an example....

Several years ago a member of my family (a  1st cousin) was hanging with a new friend of his, and every time I saw this person I felt that he was up to no good. But I had no tangible proof it was just a specious and non-specific feeling so I did not say anything. My cousin is a police officer, but the money in his particular city was not great, and despite having 2 college degrees, I knew he was
struggling. This was compounded by the fact that his wife loved to spend money, but was not very fond of working.

Well he seemed to be planning something with this new friend of his because everytime we would see him at family functions, he seemed to be in intense conversation with this particular 'friend'.
I was pretty worried about him because given his dire financial situation, I felt like something was about to happen. I tried numerous time to gently talk to him, but he rebuffed me, and told me everything was fine.

One night I fell asleep and as I drifted off I found myself in his apartment. Now I want to say that usually my dreams are not so clear and are usually more symbolic and I have to put the pieces together almost like a puzzle. But this night the dream was very vivid. I was in his apartment and I could see him, the friend, his brother and someone I didn't know sitting a table. They were talking in hushed tones-and didn't seem to know I was there.  At one point I heard my cousin say  "Listen whatever you're thinking, forget it, I'm not trying to go to jail and lose everything I've worked for, for 10 yrs"  His friend, we'll call Jarod chided him. "Man you such a P*&%$!"
"Ain't nuthin gon happen-cept we git paid! They began to argue. His brother seemed to stay quiet, as if it had nothing to do with him but he quietly laid my cousin's ID and a black glove on the table and walked away.  As he exited the door, my cousin turned to Jarod and ordered him to forget whatever it was they were arguing about.  Jarod agreed, but the look on his face said otherwise. as I watched, the scene changed to an unfamiliar house. This time I was outside and Jarod came running out. His clothes were covered in a dark substance, and he was looking around furtively as shoplifters often do.
Then he threw something in the back bushes and ran away, as the scene became very smoky.  Then we were back at my cousin's apt. and the police were kicking in the door! They grabbed my cousin(who was wearing his police uniform)  he looked shocked and horrified.  He glanced toward his brother who immediately put his hands over his mouth and backed away. As they turned to jarod he seemed to be crying and pointing at my cousin. My cousin had his mouth open in disbelief. he kept telling the officers "Yall know me! "
 "You know I wouldn't do this!" It was all to no avail, not only did they drag him roughly out the door, but once outside he was stripped off his uniform and set it on fire! Then he was behind bars looking desperate and old. His face looked so sad I woke up in tears. I couldn't shake the bad feeling I had so finally I grabbed the phone and called him. It was 7 in the morning so he was not particularly happy to hear from me. but I guess the panic in my voice finally overcame his irritation because he agreed to meet me for breakfast and a long talk

As I told him my dream he grew more and more pale. He finally admitted that jarod wanted to set a deliberate fire for the insurance money, but that he had managed to talk him out of it. I told him if my dream was true (and my vivid dreams almost ALWAYS come true) that jarod planned to go through with it anyway, and worse both jarod and his brother was going to implicate him. I knew this because of the ID and the pointing. He was going to go to jail and his  life, and career would go up in smoke. I told him that him brother held his hands over his mouth in my dream. You'll find when ppl do this in dreams -it almost always means they refuse to come to your rescue (or speak on your behalf)
Later my cousin (all 6ft 5inches) of him confronted Jarod and demanded to know if they had a plot.
Under fear of my cousin's wrath, Jarod finally admitted everything. He and Oscar (brother) were planning to set the fire anyway,and if things went bad, then plan b was to blame everything on my cousin, and use him as the fall guy.....

Always listen when your subconscious is trying to speak sometimes it will only tell you once, and you can easily save your life or the lives of the ones you love.....

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keep it clean, no profanity- bw haters plz exit the door.....